Common Home Insurance Mistakes to Avoid

When buying a new home, it’s vitally important to find an insurance policy that keeps you protected. At Ed Thompson Insurance Agency, we can make this process easier for Omaha, NE homeowners and ensure things go smoothly for you.

Here are a few mistakes that you need to avoid:

Not Getting Flood Insurance

Do you think that your home insurance policy automatically covers every disaster that could impact your home? It’s a common misconception and a potentially costly one. If a flood hits your home and you don’t have an insurance policy for it, you won’t be covered and will lose a lot of cash. 

Avoiding Sewer Backup Coverage

It’s a situation that has suddenly and tragically impacted many people: a sewer backup problem. If your home experiences one without proper insurance, get ready to pay for all the damage that it causes to your house. Just pay the extra bit to get this protection for your home.

Forgetting to Notify Your Agent

Did something big happen in your life, such as a new child, getting married, or even building a new addition to your house? You need to let your agent know! Failing to do so could result in a serious legal and financial problem and is something you definitely don’t deserve to experience.

Keeping Minimum Liability 

We understand that it’s tempting to keep a minimum liability to reduce your insurance costs. It’s a common mistake that many people make because they don’t think anything will ever happen to them. But when it finally does, you’ll be in a serious situation if your policy protection runs out.

Get Help Today

Contact us at Ed Thompson Insurance Agency to get the help that you need to buy homeowner’s insurance that suits you. When you call us for your Omaha, NE home, you’ll talk with an agent who understands your coverage needs and who can provide the help needed to overcome any potential issues.

When Comprehensive Auto Insurance Makes A Lot of Sense

One of the types of coverage you can acquire for your automobile is called “comprehensive” insurance. This type of coverage offers reimbursement for damage that results from incidents that don’t involve a collision. At Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE, we provide auto insurance coverage to protect against expensive losses.

What Is Comprehensive Auto Coverage?

Comprehensive auto coverage involves damage to your vehicle that is not caused by a collision. It covers theft, fire, acts of nature, vandalism, impacts with animals, and falling objects. It is generally required for vehicles that are financed. Older vehicles may not benefit from comprehensive coverage because it only covers up to the cash value of the car minus the deductible amount.

Why Comprehensive Coverage May Be Important For Your Needs

If you live in an area that experiences frequent hailstorms, having comprehensive coverage to help pay for damage can be cost-effective. Similarly, if you live in a rural area where encounters with deer on the road occur on a regular basis, comprehensive insurance can be valuable coverage. You may live in an area where auto theft is a frequent problem, where this coverage can limit your loss. If you live in an area with periodic wildfires, comprehensive coverage can cover losses from fire.

Contact Us Today for Your Auto Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage is a complex subject, and you may have many questions about your coverage. Our agents can answer your questions, so can be assured you have the coverage you need. We offer a broad range of insurance products for individuals and businesses. Contact Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE today for a no-obligation quote on auto insurance coverage that’s right for you.

Is Workers’ Comp Insurance Necessary for All Businesses?

If you own or operate a business in Omaha, NE, you may wonder if you need workers’ comp insurance. Workers’ comp insurance is a type of insurance that covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees who become injured or ill while on the job. It also protects employers from lawsuits by injured workers or their families.

When you consider the scope of all that workers’ comp covers, it would make sense that every business in Nebraska should consider it. At the Ed Thompson Insurance Agency, we want you to understand if this type of commercial insurance is a necessity so that you can make an informed business insurance decision.

What Does the Law Say about Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Nebraska?

The state of Nebraska does require businesses to have workers’ compensation insurance. This law applies no matter the size of your business, its location, or the nature of the work facilitated by your business.

Some independent contractors may not need this type of insurance, and there are some other caveats for very specific types of industries, however, you should assume that if you have employees, then you need also to have workers’ compensation insurance.

What If You Don’t Have Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

A failure to provide workers’ comp insurance can come with noncompliance fines. More importantly, not having this type of insurance can lead to much larger issues for a business, especially if an employee decides to sue the company because of work-related injuries or illnesses. You could lose your ability to operate as a business or even face criminal charges.

Schedule A Consultation Today

If you’re unsure if you need workers’ compensation insurance, you should speak with a professional commercial insurance agency about it. Our team at Ed Thompson Insurance Agency can help you figure out if your Omaha, NE business requires this or any other type of commercial coverage. 

Preparing your home for an emergency

Emergencies happen, and they can be very disruptive. Being prepared is the best thing you can do to make sure that if an emergency happens, you are not caught off guard. At Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE, we know that having the right home insurance is one of the important ways you can be prepared for an emergency.

Nebraska has on average 50–60 tornados every year. Preparing for a tornado means that having a storm cellar or a designated safe place is important. If a storm cellar isn’t possible, then find a place in your home where the family can hunker down in the event of a tornado. This should be a room with no windows if possible on the lowest level of your home. 

Make sure that trees in your yard are well trimmed and that any outdoor furniture is secured or placed in a garage or shed. You want to avoid leaving things out that can turn into debris. 

Make a home inventory so that if your home is hit by a covered hazard, you will be able to submit a claim quickly and easily. Place important documents, medication, and anything that needs to be safe into a to-go bag that can be grabbed and taken with you if you must leave or go into your safe place. Make sure you have copies on the cloud of prescriptions and important documents.

Having a generator can help in the aftermath by providing you with the electricity that you require to run your refrigerator, keep cool or warm, and charge your electronics. 

We Are Here To Help

Call us at Ed Thompson Insurance Agency if you live in or near Omaha, NE. We are here to give you the advice and the right home insurance to offer all the protection you need. 

Do You Need Comprehensive Coverage For Your Vehicle?

Your car or truck can be vulnerable to a number of risks. Not only driving accidents but also theft, fire, vandalism, and other events can cause severe damage. Comprehensive coverage is a type of insurance coverage that covers these hazards, so you can quickly repair your vehicle and be back on the road. At Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE, we can help you determine the right coverage for your unique needs.

Understanding Comprehensive Auto Coverage

Comprehensive coverage pays for damage that is caused by common non-collision events. Weather events such as hail, flooding, or tornado damage would be covered under this type of insurance. Fire or explosions would also be covered. If you hit a deer on the road or a tree limb falls on your vehicle, the event would be covered. If your vehicle is stolen or vandalized, you will be covered for the incident.

You May Be Required To Have Comprehensive Coverage

If you finance your vehicle, you will probably be required to have comprehensive insurance to protect the interests of the lending institution. Similarly, if you lease your vehicle, the company offering the leasing contract may require comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive Coverage Is An Additional Cost on Your Premium

You may not be required to carry comprehensive coverage, but it can still help to defray the costs when unexpected damage happens. In this way, you’re not responsible for the entire amount of repair to your vehicle.

 Make Us Your Agent For Auto Coverage

If you have questions regarding comprehensive coverage for your vehicle, our experienced agents can provide answers to help you make an informed decision. We offer a full range of insurance products for individuals and for businesses. Contact Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE today for a no-obligation quote on comprehensive coverage that can help save you money when an unexpected hazard occurs.

How would a commercial insurance policy support my business in Omaha?

Being a business owner can be an ideal career path for people in the Omaha, NE area. While you can be quite successful as a business owner here, there are always going to be risks as well. Fortunately, some of the risks can be protected if you get the right insurance. Overall, a commercial insurance plan will support an Omaha-based business in various ways. 

Protect Company Owned Assets

One way that a commercial insurance policy can protect your business is by covering any assets owned by your organization. Depending on the type of business you own, your assets could be crucial to your success and continued operation, and having to replace them due to damage or theft could be devastating. If you are insured with a proper commercial insurance policy, you will have the support you need to replace or repair these assets. 

Mitigate Liability Risks

It can also be a good idea to get a commercial insurance policy to mitigate any liability risks. There are a lot of risks that come with running a business in Omaha, including the risk of being named liable in an accident. When you are insured with a full commercial insurance policy, you will get the support that you need to manage these types of claims and cover any damages that are sustained. 

Reach Out To Us

A business owner in the Omaha, NE area will want to ensure that they have proper insurance. When you are looking to get coverage here, call our team with the Ed Thompson Insurance Agency. When you do call our professionals at the Ed Thompson Insurance Agency, you will get ideal support that can help you build a new plan that will adequately support your business. 

How Home Renovations Impact Your Home Insurance

Remodeling your family home can be exciting! Before making any major upgrades, however, it would be good to contact your agent from Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE to see how your planned renovations could impact your insurance coverage. We’ll review your policy with you and discuss any necessary changes to ensure your property continues to enjoy full coverage.

How Home Remodeling Projects Affect Your Insurance

Minor home improvements such as new living room carpeting or repainting your bedrooms probably won’t have much impact on your insurance. Structural improvements to your home, such as adding a new bathroom or remodeling your kitchen, however, can dramatically increase your home’s value. To compensate, you may need to increase your dwelling coverage to adequately cover the new value of your property.

Here are some additional ways home renovations can impact your home insurance:

  • Home improvements that enhance safety, such as upgrading your electrical or plumbing system or adding a new security system to your property could help lower home insurance costs.
  • Adding amenities like a new pool, spa, home gym, or outdoor grilling area for parties can increase your risk of accidents. To compensate, we may recommend increasing your liability coverage to protect you against accidental injuries when hosting special events on your property.
  • Getting a new roof or replacing old windows with new, energy-efficient ones can boost your home’s value as well as improve the safety and security of your property. By discussing these options with your insurer in advance, you’ll have a better idea of how these improvements will impact your insurance coverage.

Renovating Your Home? Update Your Home Insurance!

At Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE, we can update your home policy to ensure your renovated home is fully protected against any eventuality. Contact us today for all your home insurance needs.  

Different Types of Auto Insurance Coverage and What They Mean

If you want to buy auto insurance, you need to understand the different kinds of coverage available. Different types of auto insurance can protect you and your car. The agents at Ed Thompson Insurance Agency have put together crucial information on the types of coverage available in Omaha, NE.

Types of Auto Insurance Coverage

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is a legal requirement in most states to drive a car. It can help pay for injuries and property damage that you cause to others in a covered accident.

Collision and Comprehensive Insurance

Collision insurance can help cover the cost of repairing or replacing your car if it is damaged in an accident with another vehicle. Comprehensive insurance can offer extra protection in case of an accident with another vehicle. It can also help pay for damage to your car from things like vandalism, weather events, or animal collisions.

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Insurance

Uninsured motorist insurance pays for bodily injury and damage to you or your car, respectively. Uninsured motorist coverage kicks in if the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance or leaves the accident scene (hit and run). This coverage is often combined with underinsured motorist insurance, which kicks in if the at-fault driver’s insurance won’t cover all your expenses.

Medical Payments Coverage

Medical bills after an accident can be very high, so this coverage can help pay for medical expenses related to a covered accident. It covers you in all accidents, no matter who is at fault.

Towing and Rental Reimbursement

If you have comprehensive car insurance, you can add towing and rental reimbursement to your policy. These coverage types will pay for a tow within the limits set in the policy. Getting around after an accident can be costly. Rental reimbursement insurance can help pay for a rental car while your car is being repaired after an accident.

Reach Out To Us

Contact Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE to set up an appointment for a free quote!

Does Your Small Business Need Commercial Insurance?

Anyone who lives in the Omaha, NE area is aware of the area’s strong population base and ongoing support for small companies. This is not only a beautiful area to live in, but it is also a great spot to establish a small business. When you start a business in this field, you must verify that you have adequate coverage.

There are various scenarios in which commercial insurance is required. Here at Ed Thompson Insurance Agency, we’ve compiled some advice about when to get commercial insurance for your small business. 

Why Commercial Insurance?

When It Comes to Raising Capital

A common reason for a company to obtain commercial insurance is to raise funds for its operations. Many small firms will need to take out a loan or raise equity in order to move forward. In order to receive the funds, most businesses must first produce proof of complete commercial insurance coverage. 

When It Comes to Hiring Employees

When you are about to hire a new crew, you will also need to obtain a commercial insurance policy. Once you begin recruiting employees, you must have workers’ compensation insurance. This is an important type of coverage that will protect your staff if they are injured on the job. When your team reaches a certain size, this becomes a must.

Reach Out To Us

Those that are in the Omaha, NE area will need to get proper insurance. As you are looking for a new policy here, you should speak with the Ed Thompson Insurance Agency team. If you decide to speak with us, you will quickly find that our team is experienced and understands the risks of starting a company. We’re here to help you, give us a call today!

Tips for Shopping for Homeowners’ Insurance

Shopping for homeowners insurance can be an overwhelming task, but it’s essential to research all of the types of policies so you get fantastic coverage for yourself and your family. Our team at the Ed Thompson Insurance Agency serving residents in the Omaha, NE area understands that each homeowner has unique needs when it comes to their policy.

Here are our expert tips to help make shopping easier:

Determine Your Specific Coverage Needs

First, determine how much coverage you need. Consider the size and type of your home, as well as any special features or assets that need protection. Your policy should cover more than just the structure of your home; it should also consider other properties such as furniture, electronics, jewelry, artwork, and valuable collections. Many policies offer additional coverage for things like flooding, earthquakes, or windstorms.

Understand the Different Types of Homeowners Insurance Policies

There are several types of homeowners insurance policies available, depending on your budget and the amount of coverage you need. Some common policy types include HO-1 through HO-8. Each of these policies offers a different level of coverage, and some are more comprehensive than others. Make sure to research and compare the types of policies that are available to determine which one is right for you.

Considering Your Options

At the Ed Thompson Insurance Agency, we understand that shopping for homeowners insurance in Omaha, NE can be a daunting task. We are here to help guide you through the process and offer advice on which policy is best for your specific needs. Our experienced agents will work with you to find the right coverage options so you can have peace of mind knowing that your home and belongings are protected. Contact us today for more information!